Saturday, January 30, 2016

The first part of 2016!!!!!!

Hello!!! I hope everyone are having an amazing first month of 2016!! It is unbelievable how fast time is going by, already!! This first month of 2016 has been an epic adventure!!! One of the first amazing parts was going Nordic skiing, I did about 9km.


The next great thing was having my first powder day skiing. My host family loves to alpine ski but we didnt have a powder day until January. 

This makes me sooo happy

The next amazing part of this month was having two balls and in between them a week with my Austrian class in Vienna!!

We arrived in Vienna on the 17th, and after dinner we went to an all English movie theater. It was astonishing how many people were there, I never would have guessed that there were so many English speakers in Vienna, 


On Monday, the 18th, my class and i visited Schön Brunn

On the way there

The castle and was a cold week

A part of the gardens....sadly no photos are allowed to be taken inside. This is a really beautiful place in the fall when all the leaves have turned red.

Looking at the castle from the other side

looking onto the grounds

these birds........

After the castle and lunch we went to Karlskirche (karls church) and had a short tour there and then went to art museum and a building representing the baroque times of Austria.

Karlskirche from the outside

Its saying running and jumping it putting your life in danger. And yelling is not cool. It has this sign because they are repainting the church and have a platform set up so you can go all the way up to the top....only the platform sways and there can only be up to 10 people on it.

photo from the top

part of the way

the photo above this one was taken on the platform you can see

the alter

the paintings

after a crash course on the Karlskirche we went to Belvedere.

the sphinx guarding the entrance 

Steaphans dome

Stating austrian rights...

Inside of belvedere

an Austrian snowman......

On Tuesday ( i will try and keep this short but no promises)

Went to Albertina, an art museum.

In the afternoon we had a parliament tour

old parliament room

After that we had free time and I spent the time running around with my Austrian class


Another art museum, this one was more focused on modern art.

Afterwards we went through the center, in the near from Stephans Platz, and had an architecture tour.
Busy Vienna streets

Thursday ( personally my favorite day)

first on the list is a Stephans platz tour

proof i was there

looking out across Vienna from Stephans Dome

The photo above was taken from the top of the tower on the right.....yes i climbed all 334 stairs

The next stop and easily my favorite....

yup, Spanish riding school


Training is over

After Lunch we headed to the Vienna Zoo!!!

I was surprised that there were other animals out other than the penguins and polar bears.
It was a cold week

Headed to the Zoo

its too cute

the panda

the seals think they are to goo for the camera

can we please just appreciate his beard

Happy feet

its really not that cold


human leave me alone

elephants...and me


getting ready to leave on friday

a few hours later ready for the ball

ready for the ball

me and my best friends from Austria

Thank you

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